Visting EU Capitals

I know it’s not perfect, but I am a fan of the European Union. Bringing people from different cultures closer together and working on solving the everyday and the bigger challenges together is a big achievement for a continent that has been at war with each other for centuries.

United in diversity. (EU)

Experiencing this diversity is great, but it’s impossible to visit the whole union. To get at least a taste of this diversity, it has been on our bucket list for a very long time to visit all capitals within the European Union.

We never actively pursued this, but writing about it, may increase pressure a bit. 🙃

From now on, I will use this page to track where we stand. Some of the cities we’ve been to, of course, but for the sake of this list, I’ll restart. Kind of. We were in Vienna at the beginning of the year. I’ll count that, so I don’t have to start with an empty list.

Fingers crossed, I’ll also find time to write short articles about those visits and link them here.

Update 1: I marked the cities we have been visiting before.

We visited 1 capital as of August 2024

The remaining capitals are (in alphabetical order):

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Athens, Greece
  3. Berlin, Germany
  4. Bratislava, Slovakia
  5. Brussels, Belgium
  6. Bucharest, Romania
  7. Budapest, Hungary
  8. Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. Dublin, Ireland
  10. Helsinki, Finland
  11. Lisbon, Portugal
  12. Ljubljana, Slovenia
  13. Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  14. Madrid, Spain
  15. Nicosia, Cyprus
  16. Paris, France
  17. Prague, Czechia
  18. Riga, Latvia
  19. Rome, Italy
  20. Sofia, Bulgaria
  21. Stockholm, Sweden
  22. Tallinn, Estonia
  23. Valletta, Malta
  24. Vilnius, Lithuania
  25. Warsaw, Poland
  26. Zagreb, Croatia

The ones marked in bold, we already visited before.

#Travel #Eu-Capitals

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