My November 2023

Recently, I started blogging again and I am still figuring out what posts I want to write in future. Many of the blogs I read regularly, post a monthly (or even weekly) summary of what they are currently doing. In the past, sticking to a regular publishing schedule, never worked for me - but this monthly review thingy is something I haven’t tested yet. Maybe, this is the first and last one 🙂

The categories just came to my mind. They might change over time.

🏡 Home: We moved to a new apartment (in October), but unpacked the last boxes in November. With the first Christmas decoration installed, the new place slowly feels like home.

🖥️ Work: I am still on parental leave, but the end is on the horizon. Currently, I’m having mixed feelings about going back to work.

🧑‍💻 Blog: I published five articles on this blog in November. For me, this is a huge number as the last post before this is more than two years old. I work on making blogging a routine again.

📗 Journaling: With the blog, the motivation for journaling came back. My current streak is a week. I use Obsidian for this and the “open daily note on startup” feature helps a lot.

📚 Reading: Unfortunately, I did not read a single page in a printed book in November.

📺 Watching: We watched “Gen V” on Prime, but that’s it. I think about cancelling some subscriptions as we barely watch anything at the moment.

🛒 Shopping: I made one Black Friday deal this year: A Sternglas Hamburg. I wrote a blog post about this.

December has started and the Christmas Holidays are on the horizon. I am exited about the first Christmas in the new home.


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I used to have a comments box on this blog, but found that maintaining another system and dealing with the cookies is cumbersome. So, if you have any thoughts on what I wrote in this article, please write me an email and we can have a conversation about it.

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