I'll read it
Manuel Moreale wrote a helpful article for everyone thinking about starting a blog. He identified two issues soon-to-be-bloggers have:
- not knowing what to write about, and
- worrying that nobody will read it
For the first issue, I suggest to read either this article by Manuel, this one by Meadow, or this one by alienlebarge. All three offer inspirations on what to write about and to not overthink it.
Concerning the second issue, Manuel offers to be your first reader. I like the idea and want to join the party. If you’re starting a blog or published something already, let me know. I will read it. Just reach out, I am only one email away.
Currently, I read more than 100 blogs regularly. Some of them post daily, others only once a month or year. They also cover a bouquet of topics. All of them are interesting and I am convinced that yours will be, too.
There are only two conditions:
- your blog needs to be written in either German or English, and
- your blog needs to have an RSS feed so that I will be informed about new posts in my preferred reading app.
Long story short: if you want another regular reader of your blog - send it to me.
Looking forwards to read even more great blogs soon!
I used to have a comments box on this blog, but found that maintaining another system and dealing with the cookies is cumbersome. So, if you have any thoughts on what I wrote in this article, please write me an email and we can have a conversation about it.
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I put a lot of work into maintaining this blog and I really enjoy the interactions I get with you, dear readers. I you liked what you just read and want to do me a little favor, please tip me a cup of coffee as it's the fuel that keeps me going:
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