
March Review

My monthly reviews had a little break. Allowing more flexibility, I hope to overcome this. This is the March update. ⏱️ I am working for one and a half months since parental leave and miss spending time with the baby a lot. Thinking about working part time. 👶 The little one started going to childcare and brought home her first drawing. Cannot tell how much I am in love. ⛑️ I decided to get trained as a first aid instructor.

🗓️ December 2023

🙍 Personal: This year marked the first Christmas with baby. In contrary to previous years, we spend the whole time at home and invited family and friends to our place. It was exhausting, but - with the usual exceptions - very joyful. Buying an extendable dining table beginning of the year was a good choice. 🖥️ Work: A few more weeks of parental leave. With the January report this section should become meaningful 🙂