🗓️ December 2023

🙍 Personal: This year marked the first Christmas with baby. In contrary to previous years, we spend the whole time at home and invited family and friends to our place. It was exhausting, but - with the usual exceptions - very joyful. Buying an extendable dining table beginning of the year was a good choice.

🖥️ Work: A few more weeks of parental leave. With the January report this section should become meaningful 🙂

🧑‍💻 Blog: I could keep the momentum and publish nine articles (incl. this one) in December. They tend to be short. It’s fine for me. I want to focus on publishing something, rather than having a perfectly assembled article. I hope that going back to work next month won’t influence this tender growing habit.

📗 Journaling: With some exceptions during my Corona infection, I jotted down my thoughts on an almost daily basis. I read the “How I Journal” article by mb and may write something similar in the future, too.

📚 Reading: I tried reading “Ikigai”, for the third time at least. Not sure if I will ever finish it. The topic is interesting, but the book is not pulling me into reading flow. I will give it another chance.

📺 Watching: We were not watching any series this month, and barely TV at all. We did not even have the time to watch “Home Alone” (but found out something interesting about it). I reduced our Netflix subscription to a cheaper one - may cancel it soon.

🛒 Shopping: No major shopping as we try to keep Christmas presents at a minimum.

🧳 Travel: This year, we went to the mountains before Christmas and spend the Holy Night back home. I wrote about the train trip, and the time in tue mountains.


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